Current Exhibition
Lyrics of Thoughts
Christine Gisla
Duration 2024.8.3 - 9.1
Oh, these silent times!
As I step into the serene garden of my soul, I hear the breeze whisper. It gently stirs my heart, evoking a longing for past times lived at a slower pace. Yet, I cherish the present, illuminated by new light in my life.
Oh, a wave of love courses through me as I remember the lights of my life that have gone but still shine within me. How wonderful it is to carry their light in my heart, their memories residing in my soul.
Wandering through this tranquil garden, joy fills my body and soul. Though everything is quiet, I hear the birds' songs and feel the beauty of cherished memories. They are imperfect, but I embrace their imperfection.
Oh, these silent times!
As I step into the serene garden of my soul, I hear the breeze whisper. It gently stirs my heart, evoking a longing for past times lived at a slower pace. Yet, I cherish the present, illuminated by new light in my life.
Oh, a wave of love courses through me as I remember the lights of my life that have gone but still shine within me. How wonderful it is to carry their light in my heart, their memories residing in my soul.
Wandering through this tranquil garden, joy fills my body and soul. Though everything is quiet, I hear the birds' songs and feel the beauty of cherished memories. They are imperfect, but I embrace their imperfection.
Christine Gisla
Born in Selfoss 1965.
Graduated from Ljósmyndaskólinn in Reykjavik in 2014 .
Christine uses the photograph as an art form to express her inclinations about, life, beauty, stillness, moment in time and saga. She pays attention to everything that surrounds us as her mind drifts to those who are no longer with us, and the light they left behind.
She loves to play with movement and light or the stillness and it gives her photographs a certain mystique aura.
One can sense the threads of her life’s story in her photographs which blend together with the unique light, beauty, peace and healing which she finds in Icelandic nature.
1967 年出生 台灣台北人
1998-2016 任職於富貴陶園
2019 台灣工藝競賽 入選
2019 老叢茶圃 台灣當代菁英聯展
2019 耕陶坊 氣宇非凡聯展
2019 新竹大遠百 工藝美學展
2019 襲園美術館 生活提案展
2019 八拾捌茶輪番所 銀絲捲器物展
2020 老叢茶圃 角落藝術創作個展
2020 茶衫—蘭室開幕聯展
2020 罐子茶書館 秋風吹起 蕭風/江坤起聯展
2020“夥房“遊藝空間 成立
2021 覺茶堂 茶香花氣特展
2021 新芳春 茶境探芳聯展
2021 秋山堂 【焠】秋緒聯展
2022 榮獲國立台灣工藝研究發展中心精選,參加總統府工藝品展覽「與自然做朋友」展出
2022 老叢茶圃 台日藝術創作展
2023 桃園市立大溪木藝生態博物館 一期一會的Me Time茶席 策展人
2023 老叢 無題創作個展
2023 川月堂 空山不空創作個展
2023 老叢天母SOGO 台日藝術創作展
2024 國美館秋山堂/春城物語雙人展